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Life Changing Candles
Life Changing Candles Life Changing Candles Life Changing Candles Life Changing Candles Life Changing Candles Life Changing Candles Life Changing Candles Life Changing Candles Life Changing Candles
Kenshi Life Changing Candles

Life Changing Candles

169 pts
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Product Details

Candles, diffusers and mini candles. Our candles are crafted using natural soy wax, which is free from additives or preservatives and packaging is crafted from 100% recycled materials. 100% cotton wicks in our candles are free from lead or other harmful substances. Choose from large candles, diffusers and mini candles. Every large candle or diffuser funds 3kg of pasta which is 12 meals going directly to people in need here.

Brand Story

Founded by a 14 year old and made in Australia by refugees from Myanmar providing much needed income. Together with other members of Make A Difference Community, Kenshi LifeChanging Candles have now funded over 170 tonnes of pasta and rice for homeless people and families in need.


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