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MuseAvenue 30 Min Discovery Call MuseAvenue 30 Min Discovery Call MuseAvenue 30 Min Discovery Call MuseAvenue 30 Min Discovery Call
Muse Avenue

MuseAvenue 30 Min Discovery Call


    Brand Story

    Muse Avenue

    MuseAvenue is the only marketplace in Australia 100% dedicated to connecting salons offering chair rental and independent hairdressers. Thanks to MuseAvenue salons can be found by freelance professionals looking to rent a chair. Create your salon listing on MuseAvenue and get a dedicated page for your chair rental offering, a tool to help you determine the price of your chairs and access to a growing database of thousands of independent professionals in Australia.

    Product Details

    Discovery Call

    30-minute free consultation with Raphael Veron, Founder and CEO of MuseAvenue to discuss your salon’s needs and potential regarding chair rental.